
"Dolente immagine" (Bellini)
"Luna nova" (Costa)
"Era de Maggio" (Costa)

"Si tu m'aimes" (Denza)
"Vieni" (Denza)

"Chanson d l'adieu" (Tosti)
"Non t'amo piú" (Tosti)
"Because" (Tosti)


"Alfonsina y el mar" (Ramirez)
"Andaluza" (Granados)

"Déclaration" (Leoncavallo)
"Chanson des yeux" (Leoncavallo)
"Sérénade Napolitaine (Leoncavallo)

"Serenata" (Toselli)
"Vurria..." (Rendine)
"Musica Proibita" (Gastaldon)

"T'estimo" (Edvard Grieg)
Napoletan Song?

Josep Carreras with silver-shoes in Stavanger

With silver-shoes in Stavanger, he came, the great Carreras. The concert hall was full, and the applause was rapturous. But still for unknown reasons only two extra numbers for Stavanger. Suddenly the whole audience was at its way out, a little more patience and surely another song with his silvery voice would have been ours.  But complain after such a great night with such artistry. He came and wan us all with his passion and great artistry. Stavanger had spared nothing to give the best. The best possible instrument for Bavaj, free programs and big posters for the audience. The champagne was not free, but there is a limit to all. How to compare two concerts, the only difference was the extras. We all loved him singing Grieg's T'estimo and the wonderful, wonderful song that he gave us. We all gasped wanted to know what song is it. I don't know.... But I do know that it was an absolutely wonderful concert. With a man whose voice people say have faded, it is true... does it matter. It was so great and how wonderful that they have wanted to give it all to give the people of Stavanger the best singers and artists to visit them.

And when it, too soon, was time to go home, I was so lucky to find the artists entrance almost in the instant that Carreras and Bavaj came out. I almost had a handshake with Carreras, but he was sitting down into the car. I took a photo of Carreras and one of Bavaj. Lorenzo Bavaj was thankful, it seem, that I took a picture of him too. What a gracious man he is. Carreras, too, of course. But to play second fiddle is a more difficult task and only a great man can play the graciously. So thank you, Carreras and Bavaj for a lovely evening!!!

About this concert in Norwegian newspapers

1) Carreras hadde alles ører
Stavanger Aftenblad 24.09.2001 08:11
Da José Carreras hadde sunget tilhørerne opp på tærne og serenadenynnende hjem, traff han Dagfrid Blakely fra Kreftavdelingen på SiR. Der var en forhistorie: I 1987 ble Carreras rammet

Konsert: José Carreras (24. september 2001 08:06)
  José Carreras favnet om et fullsatt Stavanger Konserthus med kjernen av vokalkunsten i sitt første nummer; «Dolente immagine» av Bellini.

Lykkelig i rampelyset (20. september 2001 09:07)
  Når den verdensberømte tenoren José Carreras synger i Stavanger Konserthus lørdag, håper han først og fremst at han kan gi de rundt tusen frammøtte en følelsesmessig opplevelse.

Over millionen i inntekt, men ikke overskudd (20. september 2001 09:06)
Der kan ennå være noen få uavhentede billetter igjen til José Carreras konsert i Stavanger Konserthus lørdag. Men selv med priser mellom 900 og 1500 kroner er konserten så godt som utsolgt.

2) José Carreras  den seriøse tenoren
Rogalands Avis 19.09.2001 10:22
José Carreras er mest kjent for sitt samarbeid med Luciano Pavarotti og Placido Domingo i «De tre tenorer». Mens de to andre er publikumsfriere, er Carreras kjent som den mest seriøse

Carreras' valg 26. juli 2001
Tenoren José Carreras, én av de tre, forteller hva han har tenkt å synge i Stavanger Konserthus 22. september.

Carreras selger bra 16. februar 2001
Har du tenkt å få med deg konserten til José Carreras i Bjergsted 22. september i år, må du skynde deg. Halvparten av billettene er allerede utsolgt, opplyser informasjonssjef Grete Straume.

3) Carreras til Stavanger
Stavanger Aftenblad 02.02.2001 07:50
Lørdag 22. september skal supertenoren José Carreras stemme fylle Bjergsted. Mannen fra Barcelona trenger neppe noen introduksjon. Tre tenorer-samarbeidet med Luciano Pavarotti og Placido

Applause in Stavanger
2001-09-22 Recital, Stavanger Konserthus

Josep Carreras, tenor
Lorenzo Bavaj, piano
This page was last updated: June 20, 2022