Reynald Giovaninetto, conductor.

At last to see Agnes Baltsa in Herodiade. It was great. The Jean of the evening was Konstadin Andreev a mixture of Carreras & Domingo, very good. I missed Ferruccio Furlanetto's Phanuel and Juan Pons' Herode. And my favourite Salome is Eliane Coelho.
2000-03-06 Herodiade (J. Massenet), Wiener Staatsoper

Herodiade = Agnes Baltsa
Jean = Kostadin Andreev
Herode = Georg Tichy
Salome = Nancy Gustafson
Phanuel = Wojtek Smilek
Vitellius = Istvan Gati
Oberpriester = David Cale Johnson
Eine Stimme = Tomislav Muzek

Reynald Giovaninetto, conductor

Szenische Konzeption
und Gestaltung - Richard Bletschacher,
Hermann Nitsch
Bühnenbild und Kostüme - Hermann Nitsch
Chorleitung - Ernst Dunshirn
This page was last updated: June 20, 2022