2013-09-18 Solistenkonzert Agnes Baltsa, Wiener Staatsoper

Agnes Baltsa, mezzo
Achilleas Wastor, piano
This page was last updated: June 20, 2022
Mános Hadjidákis
Peribanou (Klavier solo)

Stavros Xarhákos
Áspri Méra ke ja mas (Es werden glücklichere Tage kommen, auch für uns)

Míkis Theodorákis
To tréno févgi stis ochtó (Der Zug fährt um acht ab)

Mános Hadjidákis
Óniro pedión tis gitoniás (Die Träume der Nachbarskinder)

Vassílis Tsitsánis
Horisam`ena dilino (Und eines Tages hatten wir uns auseinandergelebt)
Sinefiasmeni kiriaki (An einem regnerischen Sonntag)

Stavros Xarhákos
Stou Óthona ta hrónia (Zur Zeit von König Otto)
Háthike to fegári (Der verlorene Mond)

Vassílis Tsitsánis
Archóntissa (Meine Edelfrau)
Ta kavourákia (Die Krabben)


Míkis Theodorákis
Hartaetí (Drachensteigen)

Spíros Peristéris
Mes ston ondá enós Passá (Im Privatgemach eines Paschas)

Mános Hadjidákis
O tachitrómos péthane (Der junge Postbote starb)

Stavros Xarhákos
To praktorío (Die einsame Station)

Mános Hadjidákis
Nihterino (Nocturne)
Megali sousta (Klavier solo)

Stavros Xarhákos
Varkaróla (Barkarole)

Mános Hadjidákis
Páme mia wólto sto fégari (Spazieren wir zum Mond)

Stavros Xarhákos
Nin ke aí (Jetzt und für immer)

My week in Vienna ended with Greek songs with AGNES BALTSA. The same concert with the same extra numbers. She was wonderful. The pianist was not so wonderful but maybe that was the instrument.

Agnes Baltsa greeted her fans with a Signierstunde at the portier of the Bühneneingang. I got he signature but once again I left without knowing the name of the second and last extra. The first was Garifollo st afti, and is as sure as after an opera concert the extra will be Seguedilla from Carmen.